Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1

Well, on Tuesday is will be the first day of our second year at Castle Fang.  Our first year was filled with life, good times and bad, but worth every step.

I find myself gainfully employed in a job I love.

The kids are coming and go I no pretty much as they please.

Sheila and I are as blissfully in live as ever. We still go to the beach as often as our schedules allow, play music on our devices and instruments, and spend lots of time with friends and family.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas is coming

Our family celebrates Christmas.  Not the birth of Jesus, who we have determined to be a nice Jewish boy who has been quoted or misquoted for over 2000 years, but the Americanized Christmas advertised by Coca Cola and Hallmark. We love the trappings. The tree, the lights, an excuse to eat cookies and sweets, togetherness, family memories in the making are all wot let our time and dollar. These are the things that make us smile, act as our happy places, and warm our energy.

Jacob noted that the most Jewish of us was the one most excited to put the tree together and cover it with decorations. He was referring to himself, since he alone still attends services and Hebrew School. It was the opportunity to talk to him about the difference between being Jewish and celebrating the customs of our ancestors and celebrating life and family in a newer way.

I think it is all valuable.  There is something to be learned from all of it. I am so grateful that I still feel like there is so much to learn and create.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Everyone got to cuddle and eat at our first Fangsgiving at Castle Fang.  There was a little more drama than usual, but we handled it well and made time and attention for each other.